The Control of Food & Weight. Without Dieting, Lose Weight. One of the best things you can do to avoid and manage health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer is healthy eating.

Burn calories without exercising? It’s entirely possible !
Playing sports is good for your health … But what to do when you hate any physical exercise? Is it really necessary to exercise to lose a few extra pounds? Isn’t it realistic to want to lose weight without sport?
While playing sports helps burn fat, it is not essential for weight loss. Losing weight without sport is quite possible. The trick is to know how to go about it. Do you want to know how to lose weight without sport? This article is for you!
Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn there:
- 11 surprising tips to lose weight without sport
- 1 simple trick that can increase your metabolism by 14%
- Why alcohol is sabotaging your weight loss efforts
- The link between insufficient sleep and overweight
- How To Naturally Increase Your Growth Hormone (Fat Burning) Levels Up To 1300% (For Women) And 2000% (For Men)
- A free diet menu to lose weight without sport quickly
In this article, I explain how to lose weight without sport through 11 surprising tips. Let’s start:
Tip no 1: Avoid sodas (sweet and light) and fruit juices
You probably don’t think about it when you swallow your can of coke, but over time consuming sodas (especially diet sodas) and fruit juice has disastrous consequences for your health and weight.
If you don’t mind, I’ll start with fruit juices, which are much less healthy than we often think.
I only recommend fresh juices that preserve the fiber in fruits and vegetables.
Fiber slows down the passage of sugars into the blood and ensures a more stable blood sugar level.
The great danger of sugary drinks like sodas and fruit juices is that they are high in added sugars and very high in calories. Their consumption therefore increases the risk of obesity.
The American Heart Association (AHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend that you take no more than 10% of your daily calorie intake from sugar.
A 2016 study concludes that the health of hundreds of thousands of people could be improved if beverage makers reduced the amount of added sugar in popular sugary drinks by 40%.
Over a twenty-year period, a 40% reduction in added sugar in sodas could prevent 1 million new cases of overweight and 300,000 of type 2 diabetes .
A study from Harvard University shows that sugary drinks increase the risk of coronary heart disease (or coronary artery disease) significantly. Researchers found that participants who consumed the most soda were 20% more likely to have a heart attack.
You might think about fixing the problem by switching to diet and zero sodas. After all, they don’t contain sugars and are calorie free! Bad idea.
It turns out that people who drink sugar-free drinks, such as diet coke or zero coke on a daily basis, are at increased risk of stroke and heart attack.
It is therefore better to drink water, coffee or green tea if you value your health. Your health will improve dramatically if you replace sugary drinks with these healthy drinks.
One of the easiest steps to lose weight fast is to cut out sodas (especially diet sodas) and fruit juices from your diet.
Eliminate sodas from your life and you will lose weight without exercising.
Tip # 2: Reduce Your (Refined) Carbohydrate Intake
Some people are more sensitive to carbohydrates than others.
Cutting back on carbohydrate intake for a week or two can work wonders on the scale.
Products rich in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, fruits, vegetables and milk cause water retention.
Carbohydrates are stored as an energy source in the muscles and the liver in the form of glycogen. Each gram of glycogen retains 3 g of water, so following a low-carb diet will allow you to lose a few pounds of fluid very quickly.
This is often seen in the first week of a diet that drastically limits carbohydrate intake. It is not yet a question of fat loss, but of a loss of water stored in the muscles and the liver.
To ensure that you eat a low-carb diet, it’s important to stick to a food menu every day. To lose weight without sport, it is important not to exceed 50 g of carbohydrates per day.
Tip # 3: Skip a meal regularly (preferably breakfast)
Indeed, I do not recommend that you skip meals every day for an extended period.
This would lead to too great a calorie deficit, like draconian diets.
What I recommend is to skip breakfast 2-3 times a week, over a short period of time (eg, 4 weeks). You then eat only after 12 noon.
In theory, this should be able to make you lose at least 1 kg without exercising in just two weeks. This is a form of fasting, which I will discuss in more detail later in this article.
By the way, you don’t have to worry about your body going into starvation mode if you skip a meal every now and then. The metabolism only slows down when one does not eat anything for more than 72 hours (3 days).
When one begins to eat normally after such a fasting period, calories are stored more quickly as fat. You will understand: this is not a good idea.
Tip # 4: Drink more water, tea and coffee
A good water balance is very important for health.
Drinking enough water helps keep the skin and digestive tract healthy.
Drinking more water also helps in weight loss. Water fills the stomach and reduces appetite. This is why it is advisable to drink two glasses of water before each meal. This will lead you to eat less.
A small study shows that people who drink two glasses of water before meals consume almost 600 calories less during the day than those who do not drink water before meals.
Researchers believe that drinking around 500ml of water is enough to stretch the stomach so that a full signal is sent to the brain.
However, water is drained quite quickly from the stomach when you are on an empty stomach. For this trick to be effective, it is therefore best to drink as much water as possible before or during meals.
In addition, not drinking enough can make you feel hungry faster. Thirst is sometimes confused with hunger.
If you are often hungry, it may help to drink two glasses of water to see if it is just thirst. Eating plenty of water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables will also help you maintain a healthy water balance.
Coffee and tea
Coffee and tea provide many benefits, including helping to regulate appetite.
Research shows that coffee increases the release of the YY peptide (PYY-36). Produced in the intestine in response to food consumption, this hormone gives a feeling of fullness.
Surprisingly, decaffeinated coffee seems to be more effective in reducing appetite, lasting up to three hours after meals. Decaffeinated coffee is coffee from which 97% of the caffeine has been eliminated.
The consumption of green and black tea can also be an effective aid to lose weight without sport.
Green tea contains a lot of catechins , a natural antioxidant thought to be able to increase metabolism and stimulate the fat burning process.
Tea also helps cells in the body protect themselves from damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. These are enough reasons to drink a good cup of tea every day.
Tip # 5: Practice the young intermittent once a week
Intermittent fasting, or fasting , is an eating pattern made up of periods of fasting and eating windows.
There are several fasting methods that divide the day or week into periods of fasting and eating,
When you think about it, intermittent fasting isn’t too strange. Everyone fasts naturally, especially during sleep. The human body is prepared not to eat for long periods of time.
Intermittent fasting involves slightly extending these fasting periods. You can, for example, skip breakfast and eat your first meal only in the afternoon.
Several studies have shown that intermittent fasting helps with weight loss and improves metabolic health. Intermittent fasting can lead to an increase in metabolism of up to 14%. In addition, insulin levels drop drastically during fasting. Too high insulin levels make weight loss almost impossible.
One study has shown that fasting increases the lifespan of rats. The average lifespan of the fasted rats was 83% longer than that of the control group.
Researchers believe this is also true for humans. The foods we eat every day alter DNA and contribute to aging. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and poor diet only add to the problem. By fasting occasionally, you limit DNA damage in your body.
In addition, fasting causes a dramatic increase in human growth hormone levels, up to 1,300% in women and 2,000% in men.
Human growth hormone is particularly involved in the development of muscle mass and promotes fat burning. Intermittent fasting is therefore an effective way to reduce your calorie intake and burn fat.
If you want to lose weight without sport, periodic fasting is one of the best ways to achieve this.
Tip # 6: Stop Alcohol
Losing weight without exercising does not happen by itself: there are things to do and others not to do.
Do you usually have a few drinks of alcohol on weekends? In this case, it may be a good idea to stop the alcohol for a while.
The key to weight loss is to burn more calories than you eat.
Drinking less alcohol will help you lower your calorie intake. Stopping alcohol (temporarily) also means better sleep, which is good for your health.
You don’t need to quit alcohol immediately for the rest of your life. See what effect a single month without drinking has on your weight. There is a good chance that your scale will give you a lower number at the end of the month.
Alcohol makes you fat for several reasons:
- Beer, wine and sugary alcoholic drinks are very high in calories.
- Alcohol is the next most energy-dense food substance after fat. One gram of alcohol provides 7 calories, which is a lot.
- Alcohol stimulates the appetite for unhealthy foods (think fat-covered snacks late at night)
- Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to weight gain. We also note that the regular consumption of beer can lead to weight gain.
If you are overweight and drink excessively (for women more than 7 drinks per week, and for men more than 14 drinks), consider stopping alcohol temporarily to see how your body responds.
Do you need help getting there? In this case, call your doctor or an addiction center near you.
Tip # 7: Use smaller plates
Some simple tips can help you lose weight without ever having to step foot in the gym.
One of these tips is surprisingly simple: use smaller plates at home.
Several studies have come to the conclusion that we eat less when we use smaller plates.
The idea seems logical: the smaller the plate, the less food you can put on it. But this trick only seems to work when people aren’t aware of having a smaller plate.
Is your partner or a member of your family suffering from overweight? Replace your old plates with smaller ones without explaining the reason.
In the following video, I give you 7 smart psychological tips to lose weight:
Tip # 8: Switch to High Fiber Foods
Different foods can help you lose weight without exercising and to stay slim. I’m talking about foods that have a satiating effect and decrease appetite. Indeed, fat-burning foods do not exist.
High fiber foods
A high fiber intake stretches the stomach and causes the release of satiety hormones. Eating foods high in fiber reduces hunger and helps you ingest fewer calories. In addition, it promotes long term health. Fiber contains virtually no calories.
In the case of refined carbohydrates, the fiber is eliminated, so that the body digests it very quickly. This is the reason why you catch up with hunger very quickly when you eat refined carbohydrates. These do not provide a feeling of satiety.
Additionally, consuming refined carbohydrates can lead to a roller coaster ride in blood sugar. This leads to an increase in insulin. Insulin stimulates the absorption of glucose by the cells of the body.
That’s why it’s important to reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and replace them with healthy, unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. These foods contain fiber which slows the absorption of carbohydrates.
These foods are rich in carbohydrates but also in fiber, and they help regulate hunger.
The important thing to know is that there are different types of fiber, and some fibers are more effective than others at preventing hunger. Different studies have concluded that soluble fibers have a greater satiating power than insoluble fibers.
Many foods, such as flax seeds, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, oranges, and Brussels sprouts are great sources of soluble fiber.
Foods rich in fiber are your allies for losing weight without exercising.
Tip # 9: Make sure you sleep well
Getting enough sleep is just as important as eating well and getting enough exercise to lose weight.
Prolonged lack of sleep is associated with weight gain. People who lack sleep often weigh more than people who sleep well.
Just 6 hours of sleep a night for a week is enough to disrupt all kinds of biological processes in the body. Without forgetting that it is dangerous because the lack of sleep affects the hormones (ghrelin, leptin) which influence the regulation of appetite and weight.
A chronic sleep deficit is also associated with the production of cortisol. Your adrenal glands then start to secrete more cortisol.
Ghreline, known as the hunger hormone, signals your brain when it’s time to eat. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body makes more ghreline. Leptin, on the other hand, tells your brain that enough fat is being stored and that you have eaten enough.
If you don’t get enough sleep, your leptin levels will drop and your body will go into energy saving mode. Losing weight is then practically impossible.
Lack of sleep also changes the way your brain works. The functions of the frontal lobe deteriorate. The frontal lobe is involved in decision making and self-control. This means that you are less able to make healthy choices and resist temptations.
In addition, it appears that the brain’s reward centers are stimulated more by food when there is a sleep deficit.
In addition, the longer you are awake, the greater your chance of ingesting calories that you don’t really need. Lack of sleep has been found to be one of the biggest risk factors for weight gain. It can become a vicious cycle. The less you sleep, the more weight you gain and the more weight you gain, the harder it is to sleep.
Getting good sleep can help you lose weight without exercising and maintain a healthy weight.
Tip # 10: Eliminate Mealtime Distractions
When you sit down to eat, is it to focus on your plate or do you take the opportunity to check your Facebook feed or watch your favorite series?
I am afraid this is the way many people eat. And how to blame them?
Watching a Netflix series with a plate on your knees has become a way to unwind after a hard day’s work. Our society encourages us to eat this way.
We have become a productivity driven consumer society. The Multitasking has become part of our daily lives.
However, this is not very good for our health. While busy with all kinds of things during meals can save you time, eating distracted can increase your appetite, increase your calorie intake and make you gain weight. This is because when you eat distractedly, you are less aware of what you are putting in your mouth. In addition, we do not perceive the satiety signals as well.
Research has shown that people who eat distracted are more hungry than those who eat without distractions.
One study looked at 88 women who were asked to eat. One group was distracted by a computer game during the meal, while the other group had to eat in peace.
Distracted women felt less satiety and a greater desire to eat during the day than the group whose meals were spent in peace and quiet.
It is important to be aware of what you are eating rather than thoughtlessly eating. I encourage you to try to eat without distractions. Turn off the TV and move your smartphone away.
Rather than mindlessly eating, I want you to eat more slowly and pay attention to the taste of food and the sensations it makes in you. It might sound a little silly, but this method works incredibly well in preventing overeating.
To lose weight without sport, learn to eat consciously.
Tip # 11: Ban foods to avoid in your home
What do children do when they see other children eating sweets? Indeed, most of them start to whine for having it, too.
This behavior is not only seen in children: adults are also more likely to eat unhealthy foods at birthdays or parties.
It suddenly becomes much more difficult to maintain a healthy diet.
Everything is playing in our thoughts. When something is in your line of sight, you start to desire it. The availability of unhealthy food automatically affects your ability to make healthy choices.
When I give this advice, some people complain that their family members are preventing them from following it. If your partner or family members have the urge to eat unhealthy food, of course they have every right to. But then ask them to keep these foods out of sight.
Research has shown that you are more likely to eat unhealthy foods if they are readily available. So be reasonable and trick your brain into keeping unhealthy foods out of sight and out of reach.
To be sure that you lose weight without exercising, do not let bad foods in at home: out of sight, out of heart.